Competitive Negotiation
Step 1
To announce the government lands ready for investment through the platform, in addition to providing all the data related to the lands and guidelines for competitive negotiation bidding.
Step 2
Invite investors who wish to participate in the auction by registering their interest on the Tender Board’s online system.
Step 3
The responsible entity is to share Invitation to Bid document to the investors, which contains all data related to government lands, and a request to investors to provide their views and suggestions regarding the purpose of investment and the proposed projects, in order to ensure optimal land utilization.
Step 4
Investors are required to submit to the responsible entity their initial offers, including but not limited to proposals regarding the use of the displayed government lands.
Step 5
The responsible entity is to evaluate the initial bids, which may include consultative meetings with investors.
Step 6
The responsible entity is to prepare the bidding documents, upload them on the Tender Board’s online system, and announce the start of the next stage of the bidding process also through the platform.
Step 7
Investors are required to submit their bids through the Tender Board's online system.
Step 8
The responsible entity is to evaluate the final bids, and is required to follow the necessary procedures when awarding the bid.