Who is the Government entity responsible for the platform?
Government Property Affairs Directorate, Ministry of Finance & National Economy- Kingdom of Bahrain.
What is the classification of the land means?
The classification of lands is related to the planning legislation and regulatory requirements for urbanisation. These determine the boundaries, building percentages, the number of floors, a list of permitted and prohibited items and an indication of the subordination of the land to an area under study or implementation. The classification is done through the Urban Planning and Development Authority, and the maps are directly linked to the building permit system.
What are the investments that can be made on government lands designated for investment?
If the investment type for the land is predetermined, whether commercial or medical or educational or recreational, this will be displayed on the platform. For the lands that are categorized as general investment, they will be announced in a competitive negotiation, where investors will provide suggested uses for the land.
Does the Portal only display government lands offered for investment?
Through the cooperation between the Ministry of Finance and National Economy and the Bahrain Real Estate Investment Company (Edamah), the platform also offers real estate properties designated for the purpose of investment.
How can I bid on the land offered for investment?
The link on the page of the property offered for investment will transfer the investor to the E-bidding system of the Tender Board, where the bidding number can be entered to reach the required bid. It can also be accessed through the Tender Board’s electronic tender system which offers governmental lands and real estate for investment.
What are the steps taken to register on the Tender Board website?
How to obtain documents on the Tender Board website?